Swimming lessons for babies, toddlers and school-age children - Shapland Swim Schools
15 locations in Brisbane, Melbourne, Ipswich, the Gold and Sunshine Coasts
Learn to swim classes for babies, toddlers and school-age children
Shapland Swim Schools teach semi-private swimming lessons to children of all ages, including babies starting from 3-6* months old. We teach our unique Swim in Five program in small classes with a maximum of three children. Swimming lessons are conducted in specialised teaching pools, which have been developed over the past 70 years. This successful formula, combined with experienced, industry qualified swimming instructors, and a friendly, caring environment ensures your child will learn to swim with ease and confidence.
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Shapland Swim Schools - Clontarf - Swimming school in Clontarf you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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